It was all a turn.
It was all a turn.
It was all a turn.
Bütün kelimeler çarpacak maskene bugün.
Biz tuttu hip hopı sana rastgele.
It was all a turn.
İşte bütün mesele.
Biz söz yazarken sen *** kes hele.
Daha, daha, daha.
Buna bitsene paha.
Arkamdan atıcaz kahkaha.
Dur daha yeni başladık şimdi performans pik.
Soul of seed.
The heel biggest must be.
Sen bize bok at.
Kendini kandır.
Suratına tokat kan.
Ayağımdan IK for spam.
Big pan gibi ağır kafiye.
Altında kal bağır harfiyen.
Uy bana uy.
Ağır dans at.
Kendini bunları duy.
Bana ne öl kahırdan.
Taste this, some find it bitter
This rap, I mean, his head will be empty
Don't deceive yourself, look, the end will be bitter
Live it, enjoy it, we're coming to your head soon
Rogi Anıl, new generation, new demand of rap
Turn the era around us, we'll introduce you to the crazy city
I'll make you leave this job, you're a ballerina
This is underground hip-hop, it's a new castle
Rogi Anıl, new generation, new demand of rap
Turn the era around us, we'll introduce you to the crazy city
I'll make you leave this job, you're a ballerina
This is underground hip-hop, it's a new castle
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