Listen, I'm going to sing a song called The Ballad of Rancet Setio. Who is Rancet Setio? You are... Listen, you are Tango with H Intermediate. It's all sung with falsetto, right? Then a little part comes in and the part that... Tango! A little bit lower. Do you think it's good? Yes. Yes. The Ballad of Rancet Setio The Ballad of Rancet Setio The Ballad of Rancet Setio The Ballad of Rancet Setio Listen, boy The Ballad of Rancet Setio Oh, I had forgotten that... I am... I am Rancet... Rancet... Intimum Octave, ninth, augmented I am Rancet... Rancet... Octave, ninth, augmented Octave, ninth, augmented Rancet... Oh, I had forgotten that... I am... I am Rancet... Rancet... Intimum Oh, oh, oh... Octave, ninth, augmented Octave, ninth, augmented Octave, ninth, augmented Octave, ninth, augmented Octave, ninth, augmented Octave, ninth, augmented Octave, ninth, augmented