1 In our hearts, O Lord, in this nation, your awakening, 2 Holy Spirit, we desire your awakening for you and your love. 3 Awake, O my soul! Awake, O my soul! 4 Sing for the world shall love your will be done, that your will be done in me. 1 In your presence, in your power, awaken for this moment, in this hour. 4 Awaken, O my soul! Awake, O my soul! 5 Sing for the world shall love your will be done, that your will be done in me. 1 Like the rising sun that shines, 5 Awake, O my soul! Awake, O my soul! 6 From the darkness comes a light. 5 Awake, O my soul! Awake, O my soul! 7 Sing like the rising sun that shines, 8 Awake, O my soul! Awake, O my soul! 9 Only you can raise the life. 10 Awake, O my soul! Awake, O my soul! 11 Sing!