Tick, tick, time, time goes so fast, life can flip around in a flash In a moment that task is done I was just a rolling stone, trying to find my way back home Never knowing where I belong But now I got a ray of light, now I got a reason why All I do is run to you, is run to you When your arms are open wide I will never run inside, safe and sound, safe and sound When the walls came down, you were the only one You were my asylum Turn a broken heart into a rising sun You were my asylum Now my hands break the chains, feet landed on paper planes Like the weight of my shoulders gone Found a way to shed my skin, let somebody in again And it's easy to carry on Cause now I got a ray of light, now I got a reason why All I do is run to you, all I do is run to you When the walls came down, you were the only one You were my asylum Turn a broken heart into a rising sun You were my asylum Now I got a ray of light, now I got a reason why All I do is run to you, is run to you When your arms are open wide I will never run inside, safe and sound, safe and sound When the walls came down, you were the only one You were my asylum Turn a broken heart into a rising sun You were my asylum When the walls came down, you were the only one You were my asylum Turn a broken heart into a rising sun You were my asylum