The boy in the iron mask, with wire for brains
He's firing bows and arrows wherever he thinks it should rain
Yeah, he's drunk too much coffee once again
This could go in any direction, any direction at all
This could go in any direction, any direction at all
Our memories in the cupboard are getting up and walking
And there's life going on but we're too busy talking
What I'm trying to say is that we're losing our way
This could go in any direction, any direction at all
This could go in any direction, any direction at all
Some heart is always gonna get broken
Somebody's always gonna crack
Something is always gonna be incomplete
We have to start this looking back
This could go in any direction, any direction at all
This could go in any direction, any direction at all
This could go in any direction, any direction at all
This could go in any direction, any direction at all
Any direction, any direction at all
This could go in any direction, any direction at all
This could go in any direction, any direction at all
This could go in any direction, any direction at all
This could go in any direction at all