this is
Jakarta Jakarta.
Agungako Oh Oh
I feel great, let me be the weak one
I feel the best,
but your way is ridiculous
So we're surprised, Kilocho didn't make himself smart
Don't be happy first,
everything is left to wait for time
Eh, there's something sweet, but it's not milk
The child just wants to go,
come as if invited
Sorry Jodan,
sorry Jodan,
amun bang jago
Why do people have to do everything alone?
Hey! It's your mind!
Who's the one who's in charge?
When people come to the front, they're the best
We're still there, we're still there We come and go,
let the jungle be the one that you can be proud of
Because we're still the ones that you can praise the most
So be the spirit,
work hard, even if you're not good at it