MIU【倫桑原創】Lun Sang 甜蜜的你的紙鵝 咀角 甜蜜的你 甜蜜的你好嗎想知有幾愛你 給你一半寶仔燈咧MIU MIU MIU MIUIt's you and me MIU MIU MIU MIUIt's you and me MIU MIU MIUIt's you and me and you你說鍾意聽我講八卦你說鍾意聽我講八卦你說鍾意我 我都鍾意你你說鍾意我 明知我鍾意病你說我超白艷 整送你耳釘如果係個夢我希望冇咁快會醒希望每日瞓醒你都係我身邊瞓醒你唔係到又點算新一天超無聊 但有勁多共同愛好成日幫對方改埋啲肉麻愛好為咗你 我手機裏裝埋菜譜我處理食如果你話好食就最好兩個人最鍾意你係個琵琶唔使估都知對方有啲乜嘢企圖你撳小琵琶你會打黑招你係小智我係你比卡超天知我嘴角甜蜜嘅你甜蜜嘅你好我心知有幾愛你給你一本補仔登記Me you me you me you me youIt's you and me and youMe you me you me you me youIt's you and me and youMe you me you me you me youIt's you and me and you都超簡單似每晚晚餐從日頭攬住你到每晚晚間寫比你嘅你一首情歌除咗真實想法原來其他嘢唔多最好味嘅唔使添油加醋遲早一日我阿媽都叫你做媳婦如果要評分會比你最高分數我對你嘅好感似病菌咁分佈同你喺埋一切唔使變大個一路咁開心又洗乜搵返個最初最多比你叫我一聲哥哥兩個人講爛笑話可以笑到傻咗Mikasa Sukasa 嘅邊度講過激嬲你就請你打邊爐 講和你唔開心我肯定會氹你如果你係陽光我一定係空氣點知我早覺甜蜜嘅你甜蜜嘅你好嗎想知有幾愛你給你一半煲仔登記Me you me you meIt's you and me and youMe you me you meIt's you and me and youMe you me you meIt's you and me and youdramaticMe you me you meIt's you and me and youMe you me you meIt's you and me and youMe you me you meIt's you and me and youAnd you and me and youAndYouNoMeYouAndYou