In 1988, the climb scale in the United States has reached 400%.What was once the free city of New York has now become the maximum security prison for the entire country.A wall of 50 meters was erected along the coastline of Jersey.Across the river Harlem and down on the coastline of Brooklyn, circling around the entire island of Manhattan.In 1988, all bridges and canals are mined, and all around the island, United States police, like an army, keep guard.Second Fin len 거니 smiley meno dann there is one more.It is the first prison in hep 이게 설가amamOWNE INikuA family of 20 women from every country of Asia certainty without the help of K- мужчарIn true horita of movies, K- Originally known as Global ManunitarioInside, the frizzes themselves are their own jailersThere's just one ruleOnce inside, you can never leave1997Now1997Now1997Now1997Now19971988Now1997Keep goingKeep goingKeep goingKeep goingKeep goingKeep goingKeep going