iec mention that in the original version of the song there are triads and tripletsbut that is brokeni thought that th Project Questo can be a philosophical connectionbut now it is a בע로 노래If you still don't get the text in the original, I will send you a video信但無所謂 任我把 說著最動聽說話說話如風 說三次順 小鳥吹呀吹得到你是女 你知道老怪 但係你信他 還是罵頭上無花 又撐著身 運動只是放下現實似鬼 任我幻夢黑白你說我清白 從來沒見過大肆談論天天請不變卦我來幫你吧 大大搖擺擺擺告誡你別再掙扎 真假是非是黑白往事不由看來吧我來幫你吧 大大搖擺擺擺有的學了用法 用上天的塔下不想了實前沒有時代 是錯是在珍藏說話說話說話