优优独播剧场——YoYo Television Series Exclusive This animation is based on the novel of the same name, which is also the last chapter of the novel. The characters, situations, and events in this animation are all fictitious. There is no such thing as a true love. This animation is based on the novel of the same name, which is also the last chapter of the novel. 青柳摇曳 花如玉帘 恍惚中何时盼明年 梦君不见 起光耀点 情歌渐水涟漪深浅 一层月 花落一层衣 穷冷雨 四季又几时 万落夜 借一份秋意 笑春外 谁人抵与 一瓢瓢云 起一片雨 燕柳护笛 心事复几句 随东墙 送一份心意 九州外 何处寻觅 一层月 花落一层衣 穷冷雨 四季又几时 万落夜 借一份秋意 笑春外 谁人抵与 一瓢瓢云 起一片雨 燕柳护笛 心事复几句 随东墙 送一份心意 九州外 何处寻觅 © 2021 Mooji Media Ltd. All Rights Reserved.