Maybe I think too high Maybe I think too high Maybe I think too high Maybe there is a little clue in life Maybe the clue is too chaotic Let people get stuck and can't find the result Maybe it's a promise if Maybe the butterfly accidentally flew into the desert Maybe there are no flowers in the desert Think a lot but have nowhere to hide There are many successes and failures No one has ever come back There are too many temptations in the prosperous world Follow your heart, don't be lonely Maybe I think too much Maybe there is a little clue in life Maybe the clue is too chaotic Let people get stuck and can't find the result Maybe it's a promise if Maybe the butterfly accidentally flew into the desert Maybe there are no flowers in the desert Think a lot but have nowhere to hide There are many successes and failures No one has ever come back There are too many temptations in the prosperous world Follow your heart, don't be lonely