Summer days where we were happy with you
Summer days
This is the beginning of our music
Summer days
This is the wind from the seaport
Summer days
Summer days
This is the song that we sang
I will just close my eyes
They are with me again
These summer days
Summer days
Summer days
Summer days
Summer days
A year has passed
Two years have gone by
And I still don't see
how's everything gonna go
Sleza ili dozhd, tichot po shite
Bez tebya stala zhizn, aninoka, poviel
Slobno v kholat, okrytoj apel
Toliko nasad, dla minya, ne, dorogit tebel
Letnie dni, eto muzyki, nashe nachala
Letnie dni, eto veter z morskoga prichala
Letnie dni, eto besnya, shto nam praskuchala
Iš zakroju glasa, vnot sa mnoj ani
Eti letnie dni
Letnie dni
Letnie dni
Letnie dni
Letnie dni